Table Accessories
To track the most recent number, a 'slide rule' type device is added to the table.

The front side is almost vertical, for easy viewing by the seated players. The back side
is almost horizontal, for easy viewing by the dealer and surveillance.
To track the number of repeats achieved, pucks similar to FireBet pucks are used. The different edge
colors match the color that the betting positions will light up when the dealer is paying out. This enables
the dealer to know who is to be paid how much, when late betting is allowed.

Pucks for other pay schedules will be available.
When using drop-slot style betting positions, a collection bucket is placed next to the dealer's
control panel. When using illuminated circle betting positions, the control panel has nothing attached.

The display is large enough so that it can be easily seen by the close players. To the right of the
control panel is a pocket to hold the pucks.
Two sample table arrangements with all the elements. On the left, a table with 9 drop-slot type
betting positions, collection bucket and control panel. On the right, a table with 10 manual betting
positions, and spaces to move the bets after a repeat result. There's no particular reason that the
tables don't have the same number of Hit It Again betting positions.

By knowing where the consecutive colors are, it's easy to see that the slide rule shows that
the last number hit was Red 12.
All drawings were drawn as close to correct proportions as possible, they were not drawn
exactly proportional.