Manual Operations
If desired, this side bet can be implemented without using any type of token sensor or
electronic control system. However, in that situation, a progressive jackpot cannot be accurately
tallied, so this option is only for standard payout installations.
Similar to the Craps FireBet, betting circles, with letters (to avoid confusion with the
numbers already on the table) are added to the layout. Matching lettered circles are located in
front of the slide rule.
Players make their bets in these lettered circles. If the spin does not result in a repeat,
the player's bets are raked with the other losing bets, as usual.
If the spin does result in a repeat, the player's bets are moved to the corresponding
lettered circle in front of the slide rule, and the Level One indicator disk is placed next to
the bets as well.
Since this requires the standard payout system, bets could be any amount. However, it is
recommended that the bets be limited to exactly one of the player's Roulette chips, or $1 using
tokens. It should always be limited to $1 tokens for players betting with standard checques.
Casinos can still limit the bet to $1 if desired, even if some player's Roulette chips
are valued at more than $1. In that situation, to keep things simple, it is recommended that
all players use tokens to make this bet.
The high limit room can similarly limit the bet to one Roulette chip, $1 or $5 tokens.
Late betting can be accommodated with simple alterations to the procedure. If there is a late
bet followed by another repeat, the Level One indicator disc should be moved to the side, with the
Level Two disc placed next to the lettered betting positions. The late bettor's chip is placed
adjacent to the Level One disc. If the late bettor used tokens, place a Roulette chip of the late
bettor's color (or a $1 checque for players using regular checques) on top of his token to help
keep track of who the bet belongs to.
Two sample table arrangements with all the elements. On the left, a table with 9 drop-slot type
betting positions, collection bucket and control panel. On the right, a table with 10 manual betting
positions, and spaces to move the bets after a repeat result. There's no particular reason that the
tables don't have the same number of Hit It Again betting positions.

By knowing where the consecutive colors are, it's easy to see that the slide rule shows that
the last number hit was Red 12.