Bets are accepted at the same time as regular betting. Because bets are accepted once and can
remain in play for several spins, an electronic system of recognizing and tracking the bet is
needed. The Caribbean Stud type Drop Slot or Let It Ride type Illuminated Circle (or some new
system) can be used to track these bets.
Also because of the multiple spin nature of the bet, it is suggested that the bet be limited to
a single value per table - $1 on the main floor, and $5 in the high-limit area.
If the Drop Slot system is used, lights next to the slot will illuminate indicating the
token has been recognized. When the dealer calls "No more bets," the tokens will drop and
follow a track under the table to a bucket where the dealer can retrieve them. The indicator lights
remain lit, and a lock-out device prevents additional or late bets from being placed in any slot. Also,
the display on the dealer's control panel display will show the number of bets, to be compared to the
number of tokens retrieved.
If the Illuminated Circle system is used, the circle will illuminate indicating the token has
been recognized. When the dealer calls "No more bets," the bet will be 'locked in'. I.E. If a
bet is removed, the circle will quickly flash until it's replaced. If a late bet is attempted, the circle
will quickly flash in a different color until it's removed. The dealer's control panel display will also
indicate the betting position, and the problem.
After every spin, a button is pressed on the dealer's control panel to indicate if the spin is
a repeat or not.
If the spin is not a repeat, and is not following a repeat, all losing bets, including tokens
in the Illuminated Circles, are collected, and winners are paid as usual.
If the spin is a repeat, all losing bets, including tokens in the Illuminated Circles,
are collected, and winners are paid as usual, but the jackpot betting positions remain lit, locking
out new bets. Jackpots are not paid until after a non-repeat spin, or after the fourth repeat in a row.
If the spin is not a repeat, but does follow a repeat, the betting positions slowly
blink while all losing bets are collected, and regular winners are paid as usual. Then
the jackpot winners are paid the amount shown in the dealer's control panel. When the dealer presses
a button on the control panel to indicate the winners were paid, the betting positions go dark,
allowing new bets.